Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, November 30, 2024
The Time of the End Has Come, Get Ready!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 28, 2024

Beloved daughter, write to My beloved people.
God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh, calls His children back to Himself: the time has come for their reunion with the Father.
Be ready, at the sound of the trumpet. I will manifest Myself to My people and call by name those who must leave this Earth to enter to dwell in the new.
Do not snub this My call, O men, it may be your last.
Jesus and Mary are on their descent to Earth, Heaven is in turmoil, the old story is now over. My Triumph will be with you all who will embrace Me and acknowledge Me as the one and only true God, your Father.
The frost of that night will be devastating, many souls will tremble,...their lives will be extinguished.
Capitals and churches will collapse, the Earth will shake everywhere, seas will crash on coasts, rivers will overflow, volcanoes will erupt in unison,devastation will be all over the Earth!
Principalities and powers will fall, nothing man will be able to do, when God lowers His arm to say His Enough, no man will be able to stop Him.
Join your hands in prayer, O men, ask forgiveness for your sins: acknowledge your guilt, humble yourselves before Him who is your Creator, prostrate yourselves to Him, He is, no one else is but Him!
Masters of the Nations, oh you who dictate your laws,stop, reflect, the time of judgment has come, every little thing will be evaluated by the Father,God Almighty and Eternal.
Your lusts will fall, you will no longer have power in your hands because I will take it away from you, the evil done to your brothers will retaliate, you will prove it a hundredfold over you! Repent, O men, be converted!!!
Thunder My Voice, My cry is mighty. I will blow upon the foolish the fire of My Love and burn them. Have mercy on yourselves, O men, have love for those you are burning at the stake, decide to change your evil plans lest you lose your lives.
The time of the end has come, prepare yourselves!
Source: ➥